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Workshop 2



  • Thanuja Mummidi

Anthropologist (Pondicherry University, Puducherry)

Invited Tutors:

  • Sangeeta Dasgupta

Historian (Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi)

  • Raphaël Mathevet

Geographer (French Institute of Pondicherry, Puducherry)

  • Felix Padel

Anthropologist (Centre for World Environmental History, University of Sussex)

  • Jayaprakash P. Rao

Sociologist (Osmania University, Hyderabad)

  • Ravi Rebbapragada

Rural Development (Mines, Minerals & People, Vishakhapatnam)


The workshop focuses on natural resources and its spaces like the exclusionary regime (Li, 2007) but with an agenda to understand the politics of its appropriation. In this focus, the workshop will look at the indigenous populations or more specifically the scheduled tribes of India in tracing the different articulations for appropriation and thus framing the exclusionary regime. Capitalist dispossessions (nexus of the state-corporations-market) of primary resources as in land, forest and water have continued both in colonial and independent India. However, the long rhetoric of independent India for dispossession has been for the benevolence of this population under the umbrella of development. Though environmental advocacy has given leverage in resisting dispossession, the appropriation of practices of sustainability and biodiversity by the regime through articulations of ‘voluntary biodiversity off-sets’ and prefixing ‘green’ to all capitalist dispossessions have diluted this advocacy potential for the STs. The onus to counter to such articulations has long been left to the people, the voices of the dispossessed.

The workshop will explore the methodological potential in understanding the voices of the dispossessed through the framework of ‘cultural politics’ and ‘reverse anthropology’.

The workshop intends to facilitate research of young scholars working on this broad theme through the following sequence for the first two and a half days: highlighting the overlap of scheduled tribe spaces and natural resources; framing the exclusionary regime; tracing articulations of appropriation and counter articulations of the dispossessed; theoretical frames and methodological challenges: discussing political economy, political ecology, cultural politics and reverse anthropology. The second half of day three will attempt to initiate the group into a simulated research thinking over a specific research design as an outcome of the series of lectures. The concluding Day 4 is devoted to group work restitution, sharing workshop experience and results.


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