Bio data of the experts (Winter School 2022)
Have a look at the bio data of the organizers, tutors/mentors and speakers during the Social Sciences Winter School in Karachi 2022.
- Professor Dr. S. Akbar Zaidi: historian, IBA, Karachi
- Rémy Delage: geographer, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS), Paris
- Aqsa Jawed: economist, IBA, Karachi
- Michel Boivin: anthropologist, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS), Paris
- Suneela Ahmed: architect, NED, Karachi
- Amer Bazl Khan: Archaeologist, MAHI, KArachi
- Rémi Boivin: sociologist, Paris
- Vanessa Caru: historian, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS), Paris
- Jean-Baptiste Clais: ethnologist and curator, Musée du Louvre, Paris
- Rémy Delage: geographer, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS), Paris
- Eric Denis: geographer, CNRS, Géographie-cités’ Lab, Paris
- Laurent Glattli: PhD candidate in history, Humboldt University, Berlin
- Arif Hasan: architect and planner, Karachi
- Heba Hashmi: archaeologist, MAHI, Karachi
- Zoé Headley: anthropologist, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS), Paris
- Amen Jaffer: sociologist, LUMS, Lahore
- Corinne Lefevre: historian, CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS), Paris
- Anila Naeem: architect, NED, Karachi
- Delphine Ortis: anthropologist, associate member at CEIAS
- Newal Osman: historian, IBA, Karachi
- Ali Samoo: historian, KUL, Karachi
- Masooma Shakir: architect, NED, Karachi
- Aaliyah Tayyabi: anthropologist, Citizens archive of Pakistan, Karachi
- Yves Ubelmann: architect, ICONEM, Paris
- Irene Valitutto: PhD candidate in human geography, University of Paris 1- Panthéon-Sorbonne, PRODIG, Paris
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Asian Studies (November 4, 2022). Bio data of the experts (Winter School 2022). SOCIAL SCIENCES WINTER SCHOOLS IN SOUTH ASIA. Retrieved September 12, 2024 from